Hello again.

We have a new video for you. No, it's not another sex video people conjure up to hurt each other. It's more interesting than that. It's about voting.

The right to vote is the fundamental basis of your citizenship. It is also how we as citizens can determine the social, political and economic directions of Malaysia. So it is an important duty that has ramifications beyond our lifetimes and one that you must take seriously on behalf of not just yourself but your children and theirs.

We hope you like this video. Like all our projects, this is a non-partisan effort. It features common folk and quite a few famous people, including politicians, business people, musicians, actors, sportsmen, and one Star Wars character. It was shot on the streets of Kuala Lumpur but its spirit extends to every corner of Malaysia.

If you do like our video, please download it for free and show it to your friends and family. Lastly, don't forget to help us viral the video with the banners and embed codes provided within. See you at the polling station!


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Pete Teo – Executive Producer

Pete Teo is a musician / actor / producer. His albums have won multiple awards at Malaysia's AIM Awards and his music have been featured internationally on the BBC world service, National Public Radio, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, KBS and NHK. Films he has worked on have also been exhibited and competed in film festivals including Venice, Cannes, Tokyo, Rotterdam, Berlin, Busan, Golden Horse Taipei, Toronto, Pompidou Centre Paris and Hong Kong.

Other than being an artist in his own right, Pete also produced seminal socio-political video projects such as Here In My Home and 15Malaysia, both of which have been seen by millions of Malaysians. His recent work include composing music for Yasmin Ahmad's film 'Talentime', winning the 'Song Of The Year' award at the Anugerah Suara Lagu 2010 for the song 'Pergi', and playing a major supporting role in Afdlin Shauki's forthcoming commercial film 'Papadom 2'.

CNN GO listed Pete among the top 135 people to watch in Asia in 2010. Aside from preparing for a long overdue new album, he is currently negotiating several regional commissions and an ambitious documentary project.

His wiki profile is here and website here.

Albert Law – Co-Producer

Albert Law is a long time friend and collaborator of Pete Teo's. They met as struggling singer songwriters in the early 2000's and he became assistant producer to Pete when they made Here In My Home together in 2008. Their collaboration continued for 15Malaysia and now 'Undilah'. Other than Pete, Albert has also worked with leading Malaysian indie directors such as Tan Chui Mui and Ho Yuhang on their film projects.

Bahir Yeusuff – Co-Producer

Bahir Yeusuff has produced 3 feature films as well as online advertisements for Grey Worldwide. In 2010, he produced a video for the "Teach For Malaysia" initiative, a TVC for General Electric and the ASEAN Basketball League that aired on ESPN Asia. Together with his regular directing partner Benji Lim, he produced the short film 'Meter' for Pete Teo's 15Malaysia project in 2009. Bahir's most recent project is Khai M. Bahar's new feature film 'Relationship Status'.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who shall I vote for?
In a democracy, you are entitled to your personal political preference. We don't care who you vote for as long as you do vote.
What do I need to do to vote?
You need to be a Malaysian citizen over the age of 21. You also need to be a registered voter.
How do I register myself as a voter?
There are many voluntary organizations, NGOs and political parties who regularly promote voter registration in public places and events. You may register through them. You may also register at any post office. Just bring you identity card and ask at the counter. It is very easy and takes about 10 minutes.
When should I register?
You may register at anytime. However, if you intend to vote in the coming general election, please register yourself as soon as possible. The Election Commission imposes a voter registration cut-off period counting back 3 months from the date of the election. In other words, you are only eligible to vote if you had registered at least 3 months before the date of the general election.
Who funded the project?
This project is not funded by anyone. It has a production budget of zero. Everyone who worked on the project did it voluntarily and for free. Production equipment were borrowed. Web servers and design services were donated. We produced the Here In My Home Project exactly the same way.
Who came up with the idea?
Project producer Pete Teo came up with the idea. He enlisted Afdlin Shauki in Melbourne when both were there for a film festival in October 2010. Namewee was invited to join the collaboration a few weeks later. However, scheduling complications meant that production could not begin properly until second quarter 2011. Principal photography took place over 3 days in May, where 40 principal members of the cast were filmed in 9 locations. Additional shoots were subsequently scheduled for various cast members and locations.
Who made the song?
Namewee wrote the music and Mandarin lyrics. Afdlin Shauki and Sassi Tharan Rajoo contributed Malay and Tamil lyrics respectively. Recording took place variously in Namewee's, Afdlin's and Pete's personal studios. The original composition was without the spoken word sections in the introduction and the bridge. Pete recorded and inserted those sections in post-production.
Who made the video?
Albert Law and Bahir Yeusuff produced the video under the supervision of project producer Pete Teo. Benji Lim directed the video, Steve Long shot it and Khairil M Bahar edited it. Both Benji and Khairil directed short films for Pete's 15Malaysia Project in 2009. Other shared personnel between the two projects are some cast and crew as well as administration and production management staff.
How many people were involved?
In all, over 160 people were involved in various aspects of video and music production for this project. These include cast, crew, volunteers, editor, singers, translators, web designer, web services provider and production management staff. Please refer to the credit page of this website.
How were the cast selected?
Our principal cast consists of well-known personalities in Malaysia and all were invited to participate ahead of the shoot. Crewmembers and production volunteers were often roped in at the spur of the moment to be in shot. Our street cast members such as barbers, shopkeepers, fishmongers, students etc. were real street folk we met during our shoot and spontaneously agreed to participate. They are not actors. Their names were noted and credited in our video as meticulously as possible. We do apologize if we missed anyone. Either way, we'd like to convey our special thanks to all for agreeing to be in our video.
How can I help your effort?
You can help us by simply getting as many as your friends and family to watch this video as possible. To make it easy for you to do this, we have included embedding codes for you to cut and paste into your web documents. We have also provided banners for you to help us spread the word. You are welcome to download the song and video for free if you'd like to have them on your computer or mobile devices.
How do I comment on your video?
Please place your comment on the video's Youtube itself. You can also join our Facebook page and make your comments there. Follow us on Twitter to stay in touch.
How can I participate on future projects?
It is hard to predict when or what our next project will be. However, we often solicit help with many people when we have a project and your help will be appreciated. Please follow Pete Teo on his Twitter and Facebook accounts to keep informed of future projects.



@Aisehman, Baki Zainal, Bront Palarae, Chelsia Ng, Daphne Iking, Jehan Miskin, Johan F. Khairuddin, Karamjit Singh, Lai Meng, Lee Chong Wei, Nurul Izzah Anwar, Rosnah Abd Rashid Shirlin, Rina Omar, Reshmonu, Sharifah Amani, Sazzy Falak, Reza Salleh, Tengku Azmil Zahruddin, Tony Fernandes, Wardina Safiyyah, Wee Ka Siong, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, Namewee, Afdlin Shauki, Pete Teo, Benji Lim, Yasmin Yusuf, Albert Law, A. Kohilan Pillay, Jason Lo, Mohan, Khalid Samad, Aizat Amdan, Tee Hui Ling, Usha Nandhini, Chia Ting Ting, Nur Farina, Sassi Tharan Rajoo, Nik Nazmi, Tony Pua & David Lai.


Allavneen, Amanullah, Ananthi, Arbaiyah Arifin, Arun, Ashur Aiman, Bee Tong, Cassie Goh, Choong Ooi Khang, Darniyati, Dr. Tan, Edward Ong, Elaine Tan, Emily Tan, Foo Guan Foong, Hari Krishnan, Ho Sze Chieng, Ivan Slowee, Jabba the Hutt, Jack Lee, Jeniffer Anne, Jinu, K.F. Ng, Kader Maideen, Kajtijah, Kong Si Ying, Lee Sheng Wang, Liew Yan Bin, Liew Ye Tzer, Maggie Liew, Mervyn Lee, Ms. TS-29-30, Muhammad Nur, Nagaraj, Nainav, Najwa Amira, Nalla Ibrahim, Ng Yu Sheng, Nikken Chong, Nur Adlina Izuddin, Pantian, Phui Mun, Priya Kulasagaran, Rahim, Rajan, S. Aimeer, Raravanan, Shalini Rajakumar, Suraya Amer, susan, Uncle Ismail & Ms. Hanis, Vinoth Kumar, Wong Mee Len, Yati, Yewi, Zahar Ahmad, Zahier Zamri, Zaim 'Baszm' Zaidee

Executive Producer

Pete Teo


Albert Law & Bahir Yeusuff

Associate Producers

Afdlin Shauki & Fred Chong


Benji Lim

Director of Photography

Steve Long


Khairil M. Bahar

Production Manager

Abbas Yeusuff

Camera Assistant

Simon Ping

Production Assistants

Aizat Naim, Ong Chun Wai, Sandie Lee, Teh U-Jinn

Location Sound

Michael Leow

Music Producers

Afdlin Shauki, Fred Chong, Namewee, Pacai, Pete Teo




Afdlin Shauki, Namewee, Pete Teo, Sassi Tharan Rajoo

Backing Vocals

Abbas Yeusuff, Arwin Muruga, Albert Law, Lakshwin Muruga, Lvinn Law, Nurul Izzah Anwar, Dinah S, Winnie Chiang, Zewen, Elise Yong


Azrul K. Abdullah


Fred Chong

Web Services

Simon Lim

Web Design

Tommy Ng


Albert Law, Copyleft Studio, Emily Tan, Fahmi Fadzil, Khang Tsung Hui

Special Thanks

Air Adventure flying club, Banana Leaf Restaurant, Bot Hong, Church of St. Francis Xavier, Common Wisdom Teashop, David Hiscock, Global Green Synergy Sdn Bhd, Ho Yuhang, John-son oei, Joseph Lim, Kenneth Tan, Little India Jewellers Sdn Bhd, Malaysian Parliament, Masjid Al-Taqwa TTDI, Neil Foo, Restoran Yuk Kee, Sam Lim Eng Sim, Sri Mahamariamman Temple, Taman Tun Supermarket, Thean Hou Temple, Y&R Malaysia.


Electoral Commission Electoral Roll Database
Check here to be sure you are registered.
What Do You Want?
A University education that won't break the bank? Why cigarettes are so damn expensive? Do you ever wonder how stuff gets decided? Do you find the situation unfair? This campaign will help you understand why.
Why should you vote? What issues are relevant?
National Institute for Democracy & Electoral Integrity
A resource site works towards free and fair elections in Malaysia by providing information and education.
KOMAS Voter's Rights Page
Pusat KOMAS is a human rights popular communications centre set up in August 1993 to empower especially the indigenous peoples, urban poor, workers and civil society organisations to advocate for human rights in Malaysia.
If you are a voter registration or voter education organisation that is interested to be linked here, please contact us.